
Create or Download a PowerPoint Countdown Timer

2019年5月15日 — Download or create a PowerPoint countdown timer to display time for speaking presentations, workshops, training classes; great for breaks ...

FREE PowerPoint Timer

Timer to use with PowerPoint presentations and more. Slideshow Timer is best used with PowerPoint and similar presentation software. The timer is constantly ...

PP Timer

Timer. Add a timer to your PowerPoint presentations with just a few mouse clicks. Then, set the time and you're ready to go!

How to Add a Timer to Your Powerpoint Presentations

The easiest way to add a free countdown timer to your presentation is through a PowerPoint add-in. You just need to open PowerPoint and go to the Insert ribbon ...

Countdown Clock For PPT and Google Slides to Download

Download our free Countdown Clock for PPT and Google Slides Templates. A visual timer to count down to an event, deadline, or launch in presentations.

Free Timer PowerPoint Template

This free PPT Template contains an animation with a timer of 5 sec but you can easily replace the existing animation with pie timer for any other timing option.

Free PowerPoint Digital Clock, Alarm & Countdown (PC only)

Countdown Timer; Slide; Slide Master; Layouts; Watermark Free; Support; Source ... PowerPoint Stopwatch · Digital Clock, Alarm & Countdown · Speaking Teaching ...


2019年5月15日—DownloadorcreateaPowerPointcountdowntimertodisplaytimeforspeakingpresentations,workshops,trainingclasses;greatforbreaks ...,TimertousewithPowerPointpresentationsandmore.SlideshowTimerisbestusedwithPowerPointandsimilarpresentationsoftware.Thetimerisconstantly ...,Timer.AddatimertoyourPowerPointpresentationswithjustafewmouseclicks.Then,setthetimeandyou'rereadytogo!,Theeasiestwaytoa...